I wasn't kidding when I said our bedroom hasn't been touched since we moved in. This was our sad little corner just a few days ago.
I've been inspired by all of the lovely gallery walls I've seen surrounding TVs and other furniture and decided to take all of our "leftover" artwork and create one in the bedroom. Charlie wasn't home to help with the measuring/placement on the wall, and I didn't want to wait for him, so I decided to wing it and hope for the best. The gallery wall gods must have been shining down on me because I got the configuration right the very first time and didn't have to move a single frame. I have a couple more pieces that I'm waiting to get framed that I will to add to the right.
There are a few more touches to add, like pom pom trim for the curtains, a shelf for plants, and changing out the hardware on our dresser with these Lulu knobs from Anthro, but I think she's coming together nicely!