This weekend we went back home to Oklahoma to visit our families and attend a couple of showers. Here, I got to see two of my high school BFF's, both of which are expecting little ones. So happy for them!
At another shower with my handsome hubs.
On our way out of town we saw tornado vehicles driving around. When you see these you know it's not going to be a good weather day.
This was some of the hail that they found at my dad's house. Keep in mind this had melted for about 30 minutes before they took this pic. Unreal. Thankfully, they are getting an underground shelter installed in a few weeks and I won't have to worry about them so much every time the weather gets bad.
Seriously can't get enough of peony season!
We found a custard place in Texas that tastes exactly like my favorite place back home. This could be dangerous.
We planted a little balcony garden of squash, eggplant, bell pepper, and jalapeno So far they have all bloomed, but this is our first sign that we're doing something right!
And last but not least, our sweet moving announcements from Rifle Paper Co. that were sent out this week!