beach vacation

Our first steps on the beach. So, so tired by this point!
Swinging in the hammock after a late night swim.
Oh hey, husband. Do I see three beers in your hands?
Isn't this just the cutest post office?
Don't worry, we ate here.
...and here.

The convenience store in The Truman Show

We rented a boat for the day and relaxed in the harbor.
We saw stingrays (no pic), pelicans...
...and if you look closely, that's a dolphin!!
Isn't this the most beautiful water??
Jet pack man.
We also found lots of hermit crabs.
This is where we dropped anchor for the day. It was the best.
My relatives that I haven't seen in ten years!
I loved all of the beautiful door colors.
Our sweet little beach house.
Husband and wife feet.
Don't worry, the yolo shirt was just for jokes. 
Our last day, waiting for the plane.