I lost another 1.5 pounds last week, leaving me with only 5.5 pounds to lose in the next two weeks. I've went from eating out pretty much every day to making all of my meals at home and not only have I lost weight, but I feel so much better. I had planned on cooking a new recipe each day, but since Charlie doesn't eat any of this stuff, I have to eat it all myself and can only make about three recipes a week so I don't waste the food. Here are the recipes I made this week:
Eggplant pizza with cilantro and jalapeno pesto. This tasted so fresh, I'd take this over regular pizza any day. To save some calories I used a lower calorie lavash bread and I cut the olive oil in half and it still came out perfect.
Homemade Falafel & Tahini Sauce. I was pretty sure this was going to end in disaster since I realized too late that my food processor was too small for all of the ingredients and had to improvise with our KitchenAid mixer (seriously, there is nothing this mixer can't do), and in the process accidentally lost a lot of the spices. Surprisingly, they turned out perfect. Instead of frying them I used a little bit of olive oil and sauteed them in a pan with no problems. So good!
This is what I eat for lunch practically every day. This vegetarian "chicken" scallopini is so, so yummy (and only 110 calories). I saute it with a little olive oil and pepper for a few minutes and then pair it with a salad and brown rice.