lost lander and blind pilot at the kessler

So many, many things have been going on the past couple of weeks. For starters we saw Blind Pilot on the 14th, and then after about four hours of sleep hopped on a plane to fly to the beach. I was exhausted, but it was totes worth it. We almost didn't go since we had so much to do before vacation, and had seen them a few times before, but man I'm glad we did. This was by far the best concert they've done, and that last song... too good. Anyway, here are some pictures from the show. I'll post vacay pictures soon!

Hanging out pre-show in the super cool Kessler Theatre lounge where we had some delicious roasted jalapeno hummus with naan, and I discovered my love for Ace Cider.
Lost Lander opened, and let's just say I immediately became a fan. We got to meet them after the show, and they were all so nice. They even signed our CD for us!
I had a serious girl crush on the keyboard player, Sarah. If I could snap my fingers and look like someone else, it would totally be her. The hair, the lipstick, her am-ah-zing clothes. Gimme!!
Blind Pilot absolutely killed every single song. It.was.SO.GOOD!!
I wish I had a picture of their last song. They unplugged everything and came out into the audience to play Three Rounds and a Sound acoustically. They asked for everyone to stop taking pictures and recordings and just be present, so we did. It's hard to describe being two feet away from one of your favorite bands playing your favorite song while being surrounded by hundreds of people singing around you. Definitely something I'll always remember.

My summertime song on repeat.

P.S. I'm going to be working on the bloggity blog for the next couple of weeks to try and clean things up around here, so if things look a little funky, just ignore :)