Okay, so this is a very petty problem to have, but I can't decide on lamps for our bedroom! It's part of my long list of resolutions to get our bedroom completed by the end of February, so I've been scouring pictures and stores to find exactly what I've been imagining in my head. I have seen this George Kovacs lamp in designs all over the place, and every single time I'm drawn to it, but the problem is how much it costs. Is it crazy to pay that much for a lamp??
Gorgeous, right?
I came across a similar style lamp at HomeGoods the other day for less the a fourth of my dream lamp. Since we're now investing in pieces that we plan to have for many years, a part of me thinks I should order THE lamp, and my frugal part thinks I should buy the knock-off and replace the shade with a black lamp shade to get an almost identical look.
Talk about some serious first world problems, huh?